eID and Digital Self-Services Across the EU/EEA

The Agency for Digital Government is responsible for the eID Gateway, which enables cross-border use and access to some digital self-services solutions in Denmark by using an eID from another EU or EEA country.

Using Digital Self-Service and Electronic Identification across the EU/EEA

The ambition is to ensure that you are able to log in with your electronic identity across EU/EEA Countries (for example, the Danish MitID) and use digital self-services across national borders.

Read more about using digital self-services in the EU/EEA

Use Your MitID for Digital Self-Service in EU/EEA Countries

With your MitID, you can log on to digital self-services from other EU/EEA countries.

Read more about using MitID in the EU/EEA

Use Your eID in Danish Digital Self-service

You can use Danish self-service solutions with an eID from another EU/EEA country.

How to use Danish digital self-services if you have an eID from an EU/EEA country

Information for Authorities and eID Gateway Support

Danish authorities have the possibility to connect services, which will enable foreign citizens with an eID to use the self-services.

The Agency for Digital Government assists public agencies who wish to connect e-services to the eID gateway.

Go to the page 'Information for Danish authorities'