Numbers and Statistics

ICT use in Denmark - 2020

  • 97 percent have access to the internet at home. For 75-84 year-olds, the share is 91 percent.
  • 92 percent access the internet every day or almost every day (5-7 times a week). For 75-84 year-olds, the share is 69 percent.
  • 86 percent uses their mobile phone or smartphone to access the internet. 63 percent uses their laptop, and 40 percent accesses the internet on a tablet.
  • 73 percent of users of digital solutions agree with the statement, that their experiences with using digital solutions are mostly good. 5 percent disagree.
  • 91 percent of Digital Post users are confident in communicating with public authorities using Digital Post.

Unless otherwise stated, respondents were 15-89 years old.

Updated on 1 June 2024

  • 72 million visits on in 2022
  • 6.2 million visits on in September 2023
  • 91 percent of users are either very satisfied or satisfied with the portal

Updated on 4 October 2023

Digital Power of Attorney

Number of solutions

  • 45 specific powers of attorney can be granted.

Number of powers of attorney

  • 2.1 million powers of attorney have been granted since 2014

Updated on 22 April 2022


Number of users

  • 3.89 million residents receive NemSMS from the Danish public sector.
  • 171.964 businesses receive NemSMS from the Danish public sector.

Number of service messages

  • 3,49 million service messages were sent through NemSMS in the fourth quarter of 2023.

Updated on 18 January 2024


Key figures

  • 5.4 million users have MitID
  • Approx. 75 million monthly transactions*

*An average for 2023


Here you will find the latest key figures from Epinion's most recent usersatisfaction survey of MitID from 2023. 

  • 74 percent of users are very satisfied/satisfied with MitID
  • 81 percent are confident in using MitID
  • 85 percent use MitID at least once a week

Updated on 16 July 2024

Health insurance card app

Downloads and use

  • The health insurance card app has been downloaded 2.9 million times since its launch in June 2021.
  • 2.3 million digital health insurance cards have been created.
  • The health insurance card app is used approximately 52,500 times a day.


  • iOS user reviews give the health insurance card app 4.4 out of 5 stars.
  • Android user reviews give the health insurance card app 4.1 out of 5 stars.

Last updated on 31 October 2023


Number of users

  • 450,000 users have been created in the Joint User Rights Management.
  • 374,000 businesses and public authorities have been set up as a user organization.

Number of transactions and signatures

  • 39 million transactions in NemLog-in with login/SSO in March 2022.
  • 765,000 signatures with NemLog-in signing service in March 2022.

Updated on 22 April 2022

Digital Post

Number of users

Number of users per fourth quarter of 2023:

  • 5.2 million citizens receive Digital Post from public authorities.
  • 293.212 citizens are exempt from Digital Post from public authorities.

Updated on 18 January 2024

Number of messages

  • 854.313 thousand messages were sent from public authorities to public authorities in the fourth quarter of 2023.
  • 6,6 million messages were sent through Digital Post from public authorities to businesses in the fourth quarter of 2023.
  • 54,8 million messages were sent through Digital Post from public authorities to residents in the fourth quarter of 2023.
  • 62 million messages were in total sent through Digital Post from public authorities in the fourth quarter of 2023.

Updated on 18 January 2024


A user satisfaction survey from 2021 shows that:

  • 83 percent are either very satisfied or satisfied with Digital Post.
  • 64 percent of businesses are either very satisfied or satisfied with Digital Post.

Updated on 22 April 2022


Number of accounts

  • 5.7 million person-related accounts registered.
  • 728,000 business-related accounts registered.

Number of payments

  • 7.8 million payments in December 2021.
  • 97.9 million payments in 2021.

Last updated on 22 April 2022

Driving licence app

Downloads and use

  • The driving licence app has been downloaded 2.7 million times since its launch in November 2020.
  • 1.8 million digital driving licenses have been created.
  • The driving license app is used approximately 51,000 times a day.


  • iOS user reviews give the driving licence app 4.4 out of 5 stars.
  • Android user reviews give the driving licence app 3.6 out of 5 stars

Last updated on 31 October 2023