The Secretariat for digital-ready legislation continuously develops tools which can ease the work of the Danish ministries when implementing digitisation in new legislation.
The are certain factors to asses when evaluating whether new legislation is digital-ready. If you have formed the text in the bill in regards to these eleven points, you are well on your way.
Assess whether the legislation contributes to increased transparency, better availability for citizens and businesses as well as a uniform case processing.
Public authorities must handle the citizens’ data in accordance with the legislation, including the data protection legislation.
The legislation must be worded so that it may easily be supported by the use of IT solutions. You must therefore assess whether the bill involves impacts in relation to existing IT systems or the development of new IT systems. You must also make a risk assessment of the IT solution, also in relation to the date of commencement and the handling thereof.
Organisational conditions may pose significant risks to proper implementation. One must therefore assess and describe the impacts with respect to organisational conditions and any transitional and operational consequence, i.e. changes in activities and operation of the public administration.
Legislation must be simple and clear in order to make it easier to administer and to contribute to a more uniform administration and digital legislative support
The legislation must support digital communication with citizens and businesses.
The legislation should support complete or partial digital administration of the legislation with due consideration for the legal rights of citizens and businesses.
Concepts and data should be reused across authorities in so far as this is possible.
A high degree of digitisation requires a high prioritisation of data security, including safe handling of data and protection of personal information.
The legislation should take into consideration whether it is possible to use existing public infrastructure such as NemID, Digital Post, NemKonto and eIndkomst.
The legislation should be worded so as to permit effective IT application for control purposes.