
Development of the driving licence app (Danish: kørekort-app) was initiated in the last quarter of 2019, as a collaborative effort between the Danish Agency for Digital Government, the Danish Ministry of Transport (Transportministeriet), Danish Road Traffic Authority (Færdselsstyrelsen), The Danish Ministry of Justice (Justitsministeriet) and the National Police of Denmark (Rigspolitiet).

The driving licence app (Danish: kørekort-app) launched on November 24th, 2020. The Danish Agency for Digital Government is in charge of the day-to-day operations of the app.

The project is the first public analogue Danish proof of identity to receive a digital supplement. Parts of its technological foundation has been utilised in the Danish health insurance card app (sundhedskort-app), which launched in June 2020. As such, the driving licence app has laid the groundworks and set a standard for the development of future digitized national ID-certificates in Denmark.

Read more about about the health insurance card app

The driving licence app has its origins in the Cohesion Reform of 2018. The app relates to the specific part of the reform concerning digital public service, which states an ambition of digital versions of public proofs of identification where relevant. As a result, the objective of the app has been one of heightening the standard of the services offered by the public digital infrastructure, to ensure a higher degree of connectivity, public service, and comfort for the user.

Download the strategy based on the Cohesion Cohesion Reform of 2018 at (in Danish)