MitID – a unique public-private partnership

The MitID partnership comes from a strong desire to create one attractive national eID solution, which is used across public and private services - creating coherence for end users.

MitID is the result of a well-established and unique collaboration between the public sector and the banks. The MitID partnership comes from a strong desire to create one attractive national eID solution, which is used across public and private services - creating coherence for end users.

State and banks working together

The MitID partnership was established in 2016, following a public tender where all private companies could bid for collaboration on MitID.

The Agency for Digital Government represents the state, the Danish regions, and municipalities. In contrast, the Danish banks are represented by FR I - a subsidiary of Finans Danmark. The partnership has combined competencies in a communal program organisation , with resources from both organisations working together.

Primarily a smartphone app

Throughout 2022, all NemID users migrated to MitID, Denmark's new digital ID. MitID is much like the earlier generation of eID, NemID, while some things have changed. Whilst the MitID phases out the code card and app notifications known from NemID, whilst introducing some new habits instead.

Users could decide how they wanted to use their MitID – either with the MitID app or one of the alternative authenticators. Users accustomed to the NemID app should not experience a significant difference. The analogue code card was discontinued due to security concerns.

MitID is not locked to a smartphone. Users who cannot use the MitID app can choose an alternative authenticator.

Learn more about alternative authenticators at

 MitID alternatives to the app code display, audio code reader or chip

The picture shows MitID alternatives to the app, The code display, audio code reader or chip.


Digital solutions are renewed or replaced over time because of security requirements and new technology. MitID meets the newest requirements for security, so we can continue to use the internet safely in the future.

MitID's security is rooted in the solution's technical architecture, its thorough security procedures, and the revision and oversight that the Agency for Digital Government carries out every year.

MitID is a shared solution across businesses, persons, and authorities.

It is crucial MitID is continuously updated to the latest and newest standards for authentication technology and solutions to avoid compromised security.

MitID is centered on security in three ways:

  • The technical construction of MitID
  • The way individuals use their MitID
  • The requirements made to the documentation of the individual MitID identity.

Read more about MitID security at

Download MitID Security Guide at

MitID for professionals

In 2022, MitID Erhverv will also replace the NemID employee signature , which will facilitate administering users, roles and rights.

Read more about the new solution NemLog-in

Brokers contribute to the strength and security of MitID

The introduction of MitID signals a more robust technical solution partly through brokers, who act as a medium between the service providers and the MitID solution.

Brokers are the core of the MitID solution since they are the medium between the service providers and the MitID solution, allowing the service providers to get their users authenticated. Service providers could be a bank, a pension provider, a public authority, or other providers that use MitID.

Consequently, only a few brokers are certified, and only this group of certified brokers can access the MitID solution. This fact alone enhances the security dimension of MitID. This may provide some feeling of safety to the end-user, but is otherwise not visible in the daily use of MitID.
