NemLog-in components
NemLog-in consists of a number of different components that together make up the joint public user rights solution. Below is a short description of the most important NemLog-in components and their role in the infrastructure.
Login portal with Single Sign On
The login portal is the component that appears in the browser when you use the national eID service. It allows you to stay logged in (Single Sign On, SSO) when switching from one service to another. The login component thus provides a free login service, with which citizens and employees in companies or authorities can log on to public self-service solutions and portals such as and
NemLog-in is a requirement for national services that require secure identification and may only be used for solutions offered by public authorities.
Signing Service
The signing service is based on end-user authentication via the MitID core or other identity provider, e.g. NemLog-in for business identities . The component supports the signature formats PAdES and XAdES as well as other requested signing document formats.
Signing is also based on qualified single-use certificates that will be issued by the infrastructure's CA (Certificate Authority) component. Using qualified certificates in the signing service gives the advantage that commercial standard products such as Adobe PDF Reader will be able to verify the validity of signed documents directly without the use of special tools.
Connection Support System
The connection support system is a solution where authorities and their IT suppliers can manage the connection of self-service solutions to NemLog-in. Here, terms for using the solution can be digitally signed and maintained by the organization's master data and technical metadata, e.g. services, certificates, end-points and rights.
Security Token Service
Security Token Service uses SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) to determine which sites to access. The access control to the common public (web) services that NemLog-in provides access to, is an example of this.
Digital Power of Attorney
The joint public digital power of attorney functionality has been developed for authorities, which will give citizens the opportunity to be represented by parties in digital self-service solutions. With Digital power of attorney, citizens can give a person, an employee or a company a power of attorney to act digitally on their behalf for a given period.
Central User Rights Management
The central user rights management system (also referred to as ‘FBRS’ in Danish) is a user administration, where you can appoint administrators and assign rights to your organization's users, so that they can, for example, report on Virk is the companies' digital gateway to the public sector and provides access to self-service across the public sector as a whole.
MitID Erhverv
MitID Erhverv is the new business solution, which was launched in the summer of 2022.
A central component in the business solution will be a portal for companies where the company's administrator will be able to administer the employees' business identities and the related roles and rights that have been created in the FBRS component.
In order to reduce the administrative burdens for companies, an effort is made to provide joint conclusion of agreements for companies across the joint public-sector infrastructure solutions NemLog-in, MitID and Digital Post. Instead of entering into individual user agreements with the individual infrastructure solutions, the plan is to conclude only one agreement and, if possible, to do it digitally.