Mit Overblik

In Denmark, residents’ daily activities and contact with the public sector is digital by default. Consequently, the Agency for Digital Government is developing Mit Overblik (My Overview) in collaboration with Danish municipalities, regions and national authorities.

What is Mit Overblik?

Mit Overblik (My Overview) provides each resident with a personal page on the National Citizen Portal,, where residents can log in using the Danish national eID, MitID, to access some of the information public authorities hold on them in one place.

The overview provides information on tax, outstanding debt to public authorities, student grants, and housing, as well as status on benefits and ongoing cases with public authorities, upcoming agreements, and deadlines. The overview is personalised and only the resident has access to the data on the page. 

Visit the National Citizen Portal

The development of Mit Overblik is part of a joint-public political vision for creating transparency for residents, and better and more coherent provision of digital services across the public sector. Mit Overblik is a supplement to existing websites or self-services by offering a digital overview for each resident about their data and interactions with the public sector as well as links to relevant public websites.

High-quality digital services

In Denmark, most residents contact public authorities through digital means. Such contact includes self-services, information searches and Digital Post. However, it can be difficult for a resident to get an overview across different areas of the public sector of what ongoing cases, upcoming agreements and deadlines they have. Residents may have to access several different sites from different authorities in order to gather all relevant information.

The purpose of Mit Overblik is to offer residents a single platform where they can access the most relevant information public authorities hold on them. Consequently, the establishment of the platform will contribute to more transparent and user-friendly digital contact between residents and public authorities.


The implementation of Mit Overblik requires a very complex digital infrastructure. The systems of 98 municipals, 5 regions and some 20 ministries must work together in order to provide the overview. Due to this level of complexity, Mit Overblik cannot be established as a complete solution from day 1.

The development and implementation of the site happens in stages. It started in 2019 and the preliminary plan runs until 2026. Each stage makes it possible to show even more information from different authorities on the platform, increasing the overall value of Mit Overblik.