Masts and antennas are important parts of the infrastructure. Here you will find information mostly relevant to the telecom industry and local authorities who handle the building and mounting of masts and antennas.
The information found here is mostly relevant to the telecom industry and local authorities (e.g. municipalities) who handle the building and mounting of masts and antennas. Further information beyond the level of this page is therefore only available in Danish.
Masts and antennas are an important parts of the telecom infrastructure. Masts are being used for purposes such as setting up antenna systems for mobile communications radio and TV broadcasting etc.
The Agency for Digital Government has developed a set of guidelines on masts explanatory notes on relevant legislation and information about networks and network planning. One of the guidelines include a number of examples of typical mast cases.
The Mast Act regulates the issue of sharing of masts and setting up of antenna systems on buildings etc. both in rural zones holiday house areas and urban zones.
The purpose of the Mast Act is to minimise the number of masts and any harmful effect they may have on the environment while catering for the public need for a widely varying and inexpensive wireless communications services - including mobile services as well as radio and TV broadcasting.
The legislation is aimed particularly at telecom operators and local authorities.
Holders of licenses for public communications networks and holders of licenses for nationwide radio and TV services via the terrestrial transmitter network must submit every quarter a survey of future radio coverage plans extending at least two years ahead in addition to a survey of existing antenna positions to the Agency for Digital Government.
The Agency for Digital Government maintains a database containing future radio coverage plans and existing antenna positions.
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