Division for Cyber and Information Security and Digital Competences

Division for Cyber and Information Security and Digital Competences focuses on strengthening information security in the public sector, among citizens and for small- and medium sized enterprises. The division also contributes to managing the security of the major public ICT services managed by the agency.

The responsibilities of the division stem from various strategies and initiatives that aim to set the framework for, and develop knowledge and awareness of cyber and information security on a national level.

Strategies for information security in the public sector

In collaboration with other ministries, the division leads the work on the Danish National Strategy for Cyber and Information Security, where one goal is to ensure that information security continuously develops with the overall digitisation and cyber risks in Denmark. Together with the Danish Center for Cyber Security, the division also functions as secretariat for the steering committee for the national strategy and for the national public-private Cyber Security Council.

The division is also responsible for implementing several of the initiatives in the strategy, including the preparation of technical minimum-security requirements for the national government authorities and the development and operation of the website sikkerdigital.dk. In addition, the division manages initiatives on information security in the Danish Digital Strategy concerned with ensuring a high level of knowledge of information security. The initiatives are implemented in close collaboration with Local Government Denmark, the Danish Regions, the Center for Cyber Security, and various other ministries.

Strengthening cybersecurity in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

Under Danish National Strategy for Cyber and Information Security, we have initiated a series of efforts to ensure that Danish SMEs have an adequate level of security that keeps up with the digitisation and cyber risks.

Our office is the project managers of Cybersikkerhedspagten which aims to strengthen public-private cooperation on cyber and information security, as well as ensure that Danish SMEs become the most cyber-safe in Europe. You can read more about the pact at https://digst.dk/sikkerhed/cybersikkerhedspagten/ (in Danish)

In addition, Cybersikkerhedsenheden for SMV’s and Nationalt koordinationscenter for Cybersikkerhed (NCC) are included in the Office. Cybersikkerhedsenheden for SMV’s is focused on making relevant knowledge about cyber security and threats available to SMEs, for example through alerts and other forms of knowledge sharing. NCC works to strengthen the Danish cybersecurity industry, including promoting the development of products and strengthening the adaption of cyber security solutions in the private sector in.

To ensure that our efforts reach SMEs, the office also includes Brobyggerindsatsen. Brobyggerindsatsen aims to build collaborations with business stakeholders and to spread knowledge and guidance on digital security. This is done through corporate awareness-seeking activities such as presentations and webinars as well as structural guidance and communication efforts targeted at managers and relevant positions such as accountants and advisors.

The office’s efforts aim to ensure better opportunities for knowledge and experience exchange, strengthen advisory services available for companies, and increase the competitiveness and security level of Danish SMEs through new tools.

One standard for information security: ISO/IEC 27001

A central part of the divisions work is to implement the ISO/IEC 27001 standard in the Danish national government. ISO 27001 sets the framework for a large part of the security work in national government authorities, and the Division for Cyber and Information Security ensures that experiences of working with the standard is shared amongst the information security coordinators, and other responsible employees, across ministries.

The division develops various types of guidance materials and tools, which covers various topics related to information security. Every year the division organises a series of workshops and meetings with ISO/IEC 27001, and other topics related to information security, on the agenda.

Finally, the division is responsible for monitoring compliance with ISO 27001 in the public sector, which is done through regular surveys.

Citizens and Danish authorities and SMEs on sikkerdigital.dk

A large part of our materials are intended to provide help and inspiration for how governments, citizens and SMEs can raise information security. In this regard, Sikkerdigital.dk is an important channel for the office.

Visit sikkerdigital.dk (in Danish)

The division further hosts the Cyberhotline for Digital Security. The advice from the hotline aims to improve safety, provide an overview of what to do, and help those targeted to prevent future incidents. Cyberhotline for digital sikkerhed is for citizens and SMEs who want guidance on how to become more digitally secure and how to deal with and prevent digital fraud and cyberattacks. Cybersikkerhedsenheden for SMV’er is responsible for the hotline.

Learn more about the Cyberhotline for Digital Security at sikkerdigital.dk (in Danish)

Governance of information security in the Agency for Digital Government and the Ministry of Digital Government and Gender Equality

The division is responsible for servicing the joint information security committee in the Ministry of Digital Government and Gender Equality, which includes developing, maintaining and administrating the security paradigm of the ministry. The division has a similar role internally in the Agency for Digital Government, where it is also coordinating agency work on implementing ISO 27001, conducting risk assessments, managing incidents, ensuring compliance etc. 

The office also has the digitization academy at home, which are targeted course offerings for managers and employees adapted to the state's special framework and conditions. The State's Digitalization Academy is a contribution to strengthening the digital competences of government managers and employees to understand, want and be able to digitalise. Read more about the digitization academy, see the course catalog or order an expert presentation at https://digst.dk/styring/statens-digitaliseringsakademi/ (in Danish).

Government Digital Academy

The office is also home to The Danish Government Digital Academy, which are targeted courses for managers and employees adapted to the state's special framework and conditions. 

The Danish Government Digital Academy aims to strengthen competences and was established to provide civil servants with the skills and tools necessary to manage in a public administration that is increasingly digital.

Read more about The Danish Government Digital Academy, see the course catalog or book a presentation at https://digst.dk/styring/statens-digitaliseringsakademi/ (in Danish)