Division for the National Account Register
The National Account Register carries out more than 100 million payments from private and public authorities on an annual basis. The Division for the National Account Register ensures the smooth and secure process, as well as the continuous improvement of the system.
The National Account Register
The purpose of the National Account Register is to ensure that people and companies receive payments easily and safe.
Every person with a Danish personal registration number (CPR-number) must have a National Account (in Danish NemKonto) to receive public payments. This also applies to companies (by their CVR- or SE-number). The National Account Register connects these identification numbers to the specific account information for each National Account. Requests to make a specific payment can thereby take place through the CPR-number. The National Account Register is also capable of detaining payments in case of debt to public authorities.
These structures ensures a smooth, efficient and safe payment system. The financial sector pays several hundred billion kroner through the system every year.
New National Account Register
The division is currently developing a new National Account Register, which will replace the current system in a few years.
Technological development enables us to build a more flexible and adaptable system, which will be better suited to handle further developing accordingly with future needs. Furthermore, it is important because of the need to handle a large amount of technical debt and to improve our abilities to prevent and handle fraud.
About 5.6 million people in Denmark use their National Account every month to receive their income. Despite of this, most people consider the system invisible. We strive for people not to take notice of the replacement of the infrastructure in their everyday life, and still improve the quality and possibilities in the backend.
Tasks in the Division for the National Account Register
The division is organised into three teams, each contributing to the common purpose in different aspects.
Some of the tasks concern administration and maintenance of the current National Account Register, such as making necessary updates to ensure compliance to the applicable safety requirements.
Many tasks relate to building the New National Account Register. This includes specifying demands to the new system, stakeholder governance, financing and legislative framework – besides designing the IT-architecture to the future needs.
We further handle several task of political and communicative nature, as well as following the development in potential fraud scenarios and the extent of fraud with National Accounts. The office is also responsible for the administration of compensation in the event of fraud with a National Account.