The Division for Inclusion and Digital Services works to ensure that residents in Denmark experience an inclusive, user-centred and coherent public digital service, and receive the help and guidance needed.
The digitisation of the public sector in Denmark is based on a principle of ac-cessibility for all. Navigating the digital society can be complex for many rea-sons – e.g. due to disabilities, lack of digital skills, or lack of knowledge and overview of the public sector.
The Division for Inclusion and Digital Services works to support the digitisation of a public sector that meets the needs of all users. Regardless of one’s indi-vidual starting point, everyone must experience a coherent and user-friendly digital service from the public sector. We work to ensure this through the fol-lowing focus areas: Digital Inclusion, Web Accessibility, Life Event Guides and User Panel and User Research Space.
Regardless of one’s digital skills, everyone should have the opportunity to communicate with the public sector and receive the services they are entitled to. The Division for Inclusion and Digital Services is responsible for the joint public effort for digital inclusion. This includes efforts to implement political ini-tiatives aimed at residents in Denmark for whom digitalisation is a challenge, their next of kin, digital support persons and authorities.
The Division runs two networks. The Network for Digital Inclusion aims to iden-tify and qualify issues for as well as provide input on how to support the digitally challenged citizens. The Government Network for Digital Inclusion targets the central and local public sector bodies, aims to strengthen the sharing of knowledge of, and experiences with digital inclusion.
Read more about Digital Inclusion
Web accessibility or digital accessibility ensures that all residents can access and use the websites and mobile applications (apps) provided by public sector bodies, regardless of physical or mental impairments.
The Agency for Digital Government is responsible for implementing the Euro-pean Web Accessibility Act into Danish law and enforcing it. Our work at the Division for Inclusion and Digital Services entails informing other public sector bodies about legal requirements, as well as monitoring and reporting on compli-ance with the law as stated in the Web Accessibility Directive.
Read more about Web Accessibility in Denmark
The Division for Inclusion and Digital Services works closely with our joint pub-lic partners to ensure that the residents in Denmark experience coherent user journeys in specific life situations. Be it with the help of Life Event Guides on the National Citizen Portal or with improvements to everything from communication to legislation. Our approach is service design, and we organize the cross-public project collaboration with inspiration from agile methods.
Read more about Life Events Guides
The User Panel of the Agency for Digital Government consists of residents in Denmark, who want to contribute to the work of the Agency for Digital Gov-ernment, e.g. by answering surveys, through interviews, or by user testing. The Division for Inclusion and Digital Services operates and develops the User Panel.
To support user involvement in projects within the agency, the division carries out user tests and provides interview facilities – the so-called User Research Space.
The joint design system helps authorities to easily build user friendly and web accessible solutions that are recognisable across the public sector.
The joint user test and the joint requirements for good user experiences ensure that authorities focus on users, as well as the joint public framework architec-ture. By operating, developing, and disseminating these three tools, the division supports public authorities in improving and developing user-centred digital solutions.
Read more about The Joint Design System at (in Danish)
Furthermore, the division is responsible for the Danish membership in the Open Government Partnership.